The Digital Marketing Journal

This is our digital marketing journal. We talk about all things related to Digital Marketing, SEO and Website design.
April 11, 2022

How to Get SEO Traffic WITHOUT Link Building

As an SEO professional, I personally I hate link building. For me it's like pulling teeth. I simply don't enjoy soliciting other web masters for backlinks, so I don't do it. There are many ways to get your website ranked high in the search engines without having to ask for a single backlink. The old saying goes: "content is king", which is why I always focus primarily on content and on page SEO.
April 11, 2022

How to Get SEO Traffic WITHOUT Link Building

As an SEO professional, I personally I hate link building. For me it's like pulling teeth. I simply don't enjoy soliciting other web masters for backlinks, so I don't do it. There are many ways to get your website ranked high in the search engines without having to ask for a single backlink. The old saying goes: "content is king", which is why I always focus primarily on content and on page SEO.