The Digital Marketing Journal

This is our digital marketing journal. We talk about all things related to Digital Marketing, SEO and Website design.
February 27, 2016

Are you tired of “Over Hyped Website Problems & Dangers?”

There are many factors that will come into play that will determine how this mobile change will affect you. What portion of your web traffic comes from a mobile phone? This could be from 5% – over 50%. What portion comes from Google searches on a mobile phone? You could have a lot of mobile traffic but if they don’t get to your website by a search on Google then the algorithm changes will not affect you much. How does you present website now look on a mobile device? What are others in your market doing on this front? Google’s ranking only compares you with others vying for the same search. Web Marketing Services that Make a Difference We provide […]
April 25, 2016

Business Success Using the Web | Part I

How do you measure your success in using the WEB for getting more business? Do you use any of the following methods? Ask new customers or prospects how they found you Look at how many website visits you are getting Do a couple of keyword searches in Google to see if you are on the first page Ask Yellow Pages, Angie’s List or other business directories how they are doing for you Even if you are using some or all of those methods you are not getting the full story. Here’s why. Asking New Customers How they Found You If you are relying on asking new customers how they found your website or business you may be getting a very […]
April 27, 2016

Business Success Using the Web | Part II

What is your SEO company doing for you? Depending on your arrangement, your SEO company should be getting qualified prospects to your website. Some SEO companies will also make sure the page the website visitors land on is doing the most to get the viewer to all or email you. In order to maximize the traffic coming to your website from searches in Google, Bing or Yahoo, your website needs to be on the First page of search – possibly second page depending on your industry. This is where you need a good web tool to perform multiple searches for the key words that you and your SEO company have agreed you should be found for. These searches should be […]
May 2, 2016

Website Analytics is a Key Component of Web Marketing

Website Data is Tracked by Google Analytics We use and study Google Analytics to establish how well our clients are doing on the web. We measure our success by improvements in the data we get from Web Analytics. In addition Website Analytics will give you information to improve your position if you know how to use them. For example, a few years ago, we began working with a client who had been paying Yellow Pages for listings on their web based Yellow page site. They covered 5 geographic areas and quite a few categories. Their costs were several thousand dollars a month. The listings had a link to our client’s website and those seeing the listings and ads could click […]
May 9, 2016

What is HOT right now for WEBSITES?

What techniques and technologies are the new websites using? Most people want to use the latest things, the newest designs or the leading edge of technology. This is understandable. If you are getting a new website or embarking on a new marketing program, you want to stay on top of things. Here are a few new things businesses are doing today both from a technology and design point of view: Websites have grown wider to accommodate the wider screens of desktops. The width of most websites adjusts dynamically which means that as the site loads on your desktop or mobile device its width will automatically change to look good and accommodate the size of the screen. In the case of […]
February 27, 2016

Are you tired of “Over Hyped Website Problems & Dangers?”

There are many factors that will come into play that will determine how this mobile change will affect you. What portion of your web traffic comes from a mobile phone? This could be from 5% – over 50%. What portion comes from Google searches on a mobile phone? You could have a lot of mobile traffic but if they don’t get to your website by a search on Google then the algorithm changes will not affect you much. How does you present website now look on a mobile device? What are others in your market doing on this front? Google’s ranking only compares you with others vying for the same search. Web Marketing Services that Make a Difference We provide […]
April 25, 2016

Business Success Using the Web | Part I

How do you measure your success in using the WEB for getting more business? Do you use any of the following methods? Ask new customers or prospects how they found you Look at how many website visits you are getting Do a couple of keyword searches in Google to see if you are on the first page Ask Yellow Pages, Angie’s List or other business directories how they are doing for you Even if you are using some or all of those methods you are not getting the full story. Here’s why. Asking New Customers How they Found You If you are relying on asking new customers how they found your website or business you may be getting a very […]
April 27, 2016

Business Success Using the Web | Part II

What is your SEO company doing for you? Depending on your arrangement, your SEO company should be getting qualified prospects to your website. Some SEO companies will also make sure the page the website visitors land on is doing the most to get the viewer to all or email you. In order to maximize the traffic coming to your website from searches in Google, Bing or Yahoo, your website needs to be on the First page of search – possibly second page depending on your industry. This is where you need a good web tool to perform multiple searches for the key words that you and your SEO company have agreed you should be found for. These searches should be […]
May 2, 2016

Website Analytics is a Key Component of Web Marketing

Website Data is Tracked by Google Analytics We use and study Google Analytics to establish how well our clients are doing on the web. We measure our success by improvements in the data we get from Web Analytics. In addition Website Analytics will give you information to improve your position if you know how to use them. For example, a few years ago, we began working with a client who had been paying Yellow Pages for listings on their web based Yellow page site. They covered 5 geographic areas and quite a few categories. Their costs were several thousand dollars a month. The listings had a link to our client’s website and those seeing the listings and ads could click […]
May 9, 2016

What is HOT right now for WEBSITES?

What techniques and technologies are the new websites using? Most people want to use the latest things, the newest designs or the leading edge of technology. This is understandable. If you are getting a new website or embarking on a new marketing program, you want to stay on top of things. Here are a few new things businesses are doing today both from a technology and design point of view: Websites have grown wider to accommodate the wider screens of desktops. The width of most websites adjusts dynamically which means that as the site loads on your desktop or mobile device its width will automatically change to look good and accommodate the size of the screen. In the case of […]