The Digital Marketing Journal

This is our digital marketing journal. We talk about all things related to Digital Marketing, SEO and Website design.
March 13, 2023

Why Your Food Business Should Include a Ghost Kitchen

The food industry has always been a dynamic and ever-changing field. Over the years, we have seen new concepts and innovations that have transformed the industry, and one of the latest trends is the rise of ghost kitchens. In this article, we will discuss what ghost kitchens are, why they are becoming popular, and how to open one.
March 14, 2023

Mr. Beast Burger – Virtual Restaurant Review

As a digital marketing consultant who works with restaurants, I wanted to learn more about the process of ordering from a ghost kitchen and a virtual restaurant. By gaining first-hand experience with the ordering process, I hoped to better explain to some of our catering and restaurant clients how restaurants can supplement their sales by adding a ghost kitchen concept to their business.
March 13, 2023

Why Your Food Business Should Include a Ghost Kitchen

The food industry has always been a dynamic and ever-changing field. Over the years, we have seen new concepts and innovations that have transformed the industry, and one of the latest trends is the rise of ghost kitchens. In this article, we will discuss what ghost kitchens are, why they are becoming popular, and how to open one.
March 14, 2023

Mr. Beast Burger – Virtual Restaurant Review

As a digital marketing consultant who works with restaurants, I wanted to learn more about the process of ordering from a ghost kitchen and a virtual restaurant. By gaining first-hand experience with the ordering process, I hoped to better explain to some of our catering and restaurant clients how restaurants can supplement their sales by adding a ghost kitchen concept to their business.