The Digital Marketing Journal

This is our digital marketing journal. We talk about all things related to Digital Marketing, SEO and Website design.
April 25, 2016

Business Success Using the Web | Part I

How do you measure your success in using the WEB for getting more business? Do you use any of the following methods? Ask new customers or prospects how they found you Look at how many website visits you are getting Do a couple of keyword searches in Google to see if you are on the first page Ask Yellow Pages, Angie’s List or other business directories how they are doing for you Even if you are using some or all of those methods you are not getting the full story. Here’s why. Asking New Customers How they Found You If you are relying on asking new customers how they found your website or business you may be getting a very […]
April 25, 2016

Business Success Using the Web | Part I

How do you measure your success in using the WEB for getting more business? Do you use any of the following methods? Ask new customers or prospects how they found you Look at how many website visits you are getting Do a couple of keyword searches in Google to see if you are on the first page Ask Yellow Pages, Angie’s List or other business directories how they are doing for you Even if you are using some or all of those methods you are not getting the full story. Here’s why. Asking New Customers How they Found You If you are relying on asking new customers how they found your website or business you may be getting a very […]