The Digital Marketing Journal

This is our digital marketing journal. We talk about all things related to Digital Marketing, SEO and Website design.
October 13, 2021

What is a Negative SEO Attack?

A Negative SEO attack is when an enemy; business competitor, pissed off customer, disgruntled ex-employee, malicious hacker, rogue SEO professional, or just a random douche bag on the internet (intentionally or unintentionally) tries to derank your website through the use of Black Hat SEO tactics or website hacking.
October 13, 2021

What is a Negative SEO Attack?

A Negative SEO attack is when an enemy; business competitor, pissed off customer, disgruntled ex-employee, malicious hacker, rogue SEO professional, or just a random douche bag on the internet (intentionally or unintentionally) tries to derank your website through the use of Black Hat SEO tactics or website hacking.