The Digital Marketing Journal

This is our digital marketing journal. We talk about all things related to Digital Marketing, SEO and Website design.
April 4, 2022

How Can Thin Content Hurt Your SEO?

As a website owner, do you wonder if content can help or hurt your SEO? In other words, will the search engines be able to figure out what your website is about and help users find it? Is there a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of content that you need on each page in order for the search engines to properly understand what it’s about?
May 16, 2022

Does Google Re-Write Your Meta Descriptions?

Google’s algorithm is rewriting Meta Descriptions about 63% - 70% of the time, on average. This is according to data collected by Ahrefs and Search Engine Journal. This means that if you click on a result from Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), and then you click on the title, only to see that it has been rewritten by Google - you are part of a growing trend; it’s not just you.
July 4, 2022

LaMDA AI and the Future of SEO

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) will most likely be the future of search engines, not only in terms of solving the user queries but also identifying what people look for. Advanced AI algorithms will identify user behavior and provide relevant content through personalized results. In short, search engines optimized with AI will become even smarter.
May 23, 2023

The Marriage of AI and SEO: Optimizing with Artificial Intelligence

The Marriage of AI and SEO: Optimizing with Artificial Intelligence By Daclaud Lee, SEO Consultant and AI Prompt Engineer Welcome to the exciting world where cutting-edge technology meets the art of digital marketing. In this age of rapid advancements, it’s no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI) has forged a powerful bond with search engine optimization (SEO). This harmonious union has given birth to a new era of intelligent optimization, revolutionizing the way businesses and marketers approach their online presence. Picture this: a world where your website understands your customers better than ever before. A world where search engines can anticipate user intent, delivering personalized and relevant results that leave visitors in awe. This is the world that AI and SEO […]
April 4, 2022

How Can Thin Content Hurt Your SEO?

As a website owner, do you wonder if content can help or hurt your SEO? In other words, will the search engines be able to figure out what your website is about and help users find it? Is there a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of content that you need on each page in order for the search engines to properly understand what it’s about?
May 16, 2022

Does Google Re-Write Your Meta Descriptions?

Google’s algorithm is rewriting Meta Descriptions about 63% - 70% of the time, on average. This is according to data collected by Ahrefs and Search Engine Journal. This means that if you click on a result from Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), and then you click on the title, only to see that it has been rewritten by Google - you are part of a growing trend; it’s not just you.
July 4, 2022

LaMDA AI and the Future of SEO

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) will most likely be the future of search engines, not only in terms of solving the user queries but also identifying what people look for. Advanced AI algorithms will identify user behavior and provide relevant content through personalized results. In short, search engines optimized with AI will become even smarter.
May 23, 2023

The Marriage of AI and SEO: Optimizing with Artificial Intelligence

The Marriage of AI and SEO: Optimizing with Artificial Intelligence By Daclaud Lee, SEO Consultant and AI Prompt Engineer Welcome to the exciting world where cutting-edge technology meets the art of digital marketing. In this age of rapid advancements, it’s no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI) has forged a powerful bond with search engine optimization (SEO). This harmonious union has given birth to a new era of intelligent optimization, revolutionizing the way businesses and marketers approach their online presence. Picture this: a world where your website understands your customers better than ever before. A world where search engines can anticipate user intent, delivering personalized and relevant results that leave visitors in awe. This is the world that AI and SEO […]
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